The infrared and RF energies heat the skin, tightening tissue and making fat cells shrink and in some cases die.
The suction brings the skin closer to the energy source inside the handheld device, working with the massage to help relax and stretch the stiff fibrous bands under the skin that cause the dimpling and orange peel texture known as cellulite.
The heat reduces skin laxity by tightening the existing underlying dermal collagen fibers and stimulating collagen and elastin production, which builds more firmness and elasticity over time.
An ideal complement to a healthy lifestyle, BODYSHAPE MACHINE BY EVO TECHNOLOGIES can increase the density of the dermis by triggering collagen production for thicker, firmer, and YOUTHFUL skin.
BODYSHAPE MACHINE BY EVO TECHNOLOGIES provides is a noninvasive body contouring treatment that’s been cleared by the FDA for cellulite reduction, as well as the circumferential reduction of the thighs and abdomen.
We are now proud to say Parts4Laser and EVO Technologies have merged together to form the most comprehensive technology, sales, service, and customer support company in the industry.